21 August 2012

2012 Ascension - Together we can build our future

 How  to Transition (Transform) into  Unity Consciousness for the 5th Dimensional New Earth!


Kriya Yoga is the main technique for transition. See our earlier post http://2012-ascension.blogspot.com/p/change-of-guard.html. 

Kriya was originally taught to Sri Lahari Mahasaya by Mahavatar ("Great Avatar") Babaji in India in the 1800´s and later brought to the West by Paramahansa Yogananda through Self Realization Fellowship  Church,  founded in 1920 in Los Angeles, Califiornia, USA. A one year lesson study of Yogananda´s lessons are required for initiation as a Kriyaban.

Given the short time frame we now face, there is a possbile alternative to the full Kriya route. 

The Sudarshan Kriya technique is based on the four forms of yoga breathing:

                                       Ujjay - victorious breath
                                       Bhastrika -bellows breath
                                       Chanting of the "OM" vibration
                                       Kriya - purifying breath

The practice of the Sudarshan Kriya has been studied by scientists of  medical schools, such as Columbia University, the New York Medical College, the Harvard Medical School and others. They confirm that Kriya yoga  breathing techniques can effectively address symptoms of anxiety and depression.

It is important to understand that all people of Earth have one destiny – the Transition, or the death in global cataclysms.


The next major  pre-cataclysm will happen on the day of the autumnal equinox September 22, 2012.  

 In this regard, all actions have to be carefully planned.
  • It is desirable to complete the training and to make the Transition before the September 18, 2012, because  of possible difficulties connected with changes on our planet and its preparation for super-powerful natural phenomena – the second pre-cataclysm.
  • The final stage – the formation of planetary civilization united consciousness homogeneous and resonant should take about one month, i.e. that should have begun no later than August 18, 2012

20 August 2012

2012 Ascension The Essential Global Consiousness Unification Required for the Transition

Note-   This is an attempt to summarize and make the channeled information ,  that was given by a technologically advanced Extraterrestrial group, to certain Russian scientists,  easier to understand in English. (See the website http://www.ourtransition.info/ for more.)

Why humanity has to make the Transition (Transformation) into  "Unified Consciousness" (i.e., singular minded purpose) before the second "pre-global cataclysm".

Our  Extraterrestrial friends are simply warning us in advance that the "second pre-cataclysm", coming on September 22nd, will destroy 2 billion people in a matter of minutes!

The remaining population of Earth would after that not be sufficient in number to ignite the essential mechanism for the Transition. The United Consciousness of humanity will then no longer be able to produce the necessary force to "light the laser beam" of group ascension required to move our physical bodies into the Christ Light,  above the level of the global physical destruction.

The existing "leadership" of the World governments is the main reason for,  and has the responsibility for the victory of the Global Transition (Transformation). 

The Essence of the Higher Plane message- 

If the existing governments of the World do not take the lead in the preparation of the population  for the Transition (which they are NOT likely to do), then the Transition will not happen and almost all of humanity will perish!


19 August 2012

2012 Ascension - Global Nuclear Winter is on the Way

"Extraterrestrial civilizations indicate on a very close beginning of the real events of global cataclysm scenario - uncontrollable super-strong natural phenomena. On the way of the first pre-cataclysm are located many nuclear power plants. This is the real threat to the life of mankind. However, the direction of the blow can not be changed – it is determined by characteristics the magnetic field of Earth

Extraterrestrial civilizations suggest before the first pre-cataclysm to make the Transition in the next cycle of life. Moreover, after simultaneous failure of many nuclear power stations life on Earth will become impossible. Nuclear winter will come, and still we have to make the Transition immediately after the first pre-cataclysm.
Thus, mankind expects December 21, 2012 the events of the end of the Mayan calendar. However, this is just a very bright shining lighthouse of warning - Extremely dangerous! Stay away from this date - this is the beginning of the scenario of global cataclysms."

WHAT THE RUSSIAN SCIENTISTS ( Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc. Ph.D., professor and Lidia Andrianova, Ph.D. ) ARE TRYING TO SAY IN PLAIN ENGLISH 

 A major, earth shaking, ¨natural¨ disaster event is on the immediate time horizon for planet Earth.
It appears to be a gigantic earth quake with the epicenter near Peru, but somehow extending
northward all the way to the northern united States.

                                        Note the  trident formation.

The East Coast of the uSA has many nuclear power plants which will be damaged or destroyed, spewing radiation  even to  Asia and Western Europe.

The first cataclysm is set to occur on September 22, 2012, an event in advance in the form of a "wake up call" for humanity  to come together and unite as one family (not as the global gangster elite would have
us all divided and eventually enslaved to them).

Read the rest here and here .

"The symbol of global cataclysms in symbolic of consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations is the Dragon, together with whom often is portrayed the Phoenix. The threat of approach of global cataclysms causes in mankind necessity to find a way to save lives. The bird Phoenix rushes to help people who find themselves in mortal danger, in order to show the only way for the continuation of life."


www.youtube ourtransition49