15 February 2012

Ascension Articles 15th February , 2012


"The pressures are mounting on the dark (evil) Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one government. You shall soon see them taken out of circulation, and kept under supervision where they can no longer interfere or impede the changes that are already underway. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are working for the Light, and their collective energies are a powerful force for bringing out the truth and manifesting their vision of peace. The awakening continues and more souls are looking beyond their everyday happenings for the answers. They are beginning to see how their lives have been rigidly controlled, and seek the return of their rights and freedom from the restrictions placed upon them.
We are pleased that you as a Human Race you are taking hold of your destiny, and refuse to be led down a path to total enslavement.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we have been the observers for so long, there is not much we do not know about you, and we certainly see you as rising to the occasion that is going to change your lives. Deep down you knew you were taking you last lifetime in duality, and how important it was going to be to your future. So as we see it the awakening should speed up, and many more souls join those who are already well advanced in their preparations to ascend. Bear in mind that first and foremost it is the intent to ascend that sets you on the right path, and from thereon you will attract the attention of those who will work with you on that particular path. Clearly well before you express that intent, you will have learnt much about the process and what it means to ascend. Keep you goal in mind, and you will never walk alone, as we and your Guides are with you in Love and Light"

SaLuSa  13-February-2012

 See the video directly below for proof:

Ascension Earth 2012: The Criminal Cabal and the Over Extension ...
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