06 April 2012

The Liberator of the Nagas - 2012 Ascension Articles, News, Views, Videos and More - 6th April

Angkor Wat of Cambodia

An Interesting Animation
Angkor Wat


The Secret Story of the Naga

Naga - the True Lord of Gaia

"The Naga is the guardian of the treasures of the Earth, the keeper of the
energy stored in water, and the one who safeguards the prosperity of the
region, traditionally linked with abundant water resources.

The Naga is guarding bridges and causeways, controlling the water and its evil spirits.

This is a crucial task! If there are only AK47s, but no Naga, it can be dangerous: In some South East Asian armies, including the communist ones, there is a rule: Crossing a river, the last soldier in the line has to call for imaginary comrades behind him. In this way the spirit of the river is diverted from catching him.

The Naga also represents the ‘bow of Indra', the rainbow, the connection of heaven and earth, of gods and living beings."

About the following video series

The following video series presents some very hard hitting truths regarding actual World history, specifically the role that western cultures are to bring to ascending humanity in 2012, as predicted and depicted in stone in the art and architecture of Angkor Wat.  

The magical world of Angkor Wat of Cambodia is one of the world's wonders. with an atmosphere so surreal that its connection connection with Egyptian and Aztec pyramids is easily seen. 

Put on you seat-belts! 

The (Black) God 

and the True Sacred Nature of Mankind 

Warning: Graphic truth material presented!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

 Part 6

Part 7

 Part 8



The Naga Panchami Story

 In Buddhism the snake is regarded as sacred creature with divine qualities. It is because some ancient texts say that a Cobra snake saved the life of Buddha.

"Human beings soon after stabilizing from nomadic venture started the ritual of worshiping the nature and everything that was helpful to them in one or another way. It helped them construct a system that was derived from the beliefs in social organizations, local cults and deities. Humans thus started exploring nature and started sorting a culture to abide by. Things like sun, river, mountain and snake have been thought of as important element of simultaneous existence since then. Snake worship has also been a part of the culture of India ever since then. Nag Panchami is one of the most important festivals in India celebrated to commemorate the existence of the snake god."

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