23 March 2012

Evil Vatican and Pope - 2012 Ascension


The Vatican Bank has been corrupt and criminal ever since it was first established in 1942, much the same as the illegal US Federal Reserve bank.

This is because no accounting system has ever been in place to audit them and to ensure that any transactions are legal and above board.

Is The Vatican Bank Acting in the Name of God?

There are many scandals surrounding the Vatican, including its finances. 

At the center of the Catholic Church, is murder, collusion with violent crime, bribery and money laundering.

The Church will never likely admit to any wrongdoing.  

An image of sanctity "protects" it and covers-up its immoral crimesThe "Holy See"  persistently denies sexual perversion and abuse among the clergy. This false image of moral purity can be maintained because the tiny Vatican state is not subject to Italian law. The Vatican is legally separate fom Italy.

As Jason Berry,  the author of Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church, said: 

“The Vatican has a systematic aversion to transparency. Its power structure is honeycombed in secrecy. With the abuse scandal, the bottom line is that the Pope will not punish complicit Bishops and Cardinals... The crux of the Vatican’s problems – whether in finance, or the abuse crisis – is they are an international state without a bona fide legal system. The Vatican cannot police itself and that’s why we see so many scandals.”

Vatican Bank - 

The Secretive, Corrupt World Church Bank [Catholic Church Exposed]

Vatican Assassins 

Eric Phelps on the Jesuits 

"I believe the pope of Rome is Antichrist (Daniel 7:7-27,2Thessalonians 2:1-12,2Peter 2:1-22,1John 2:18-25, Revelation 13:1-9) and Rome 'Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth' (Revelation 17:1-18).I urge every true Christian to come out of her.(Revelation 18:1-8) KJV Bible." 

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