14 March 2012



Spontaneous Evolution is Happening NOW!

Frequency and Dimensions Dolores Cannon Separating Earth 

Here is evidence of the veracity of Planet A and unascended Planet B Earths.  

Are you ready?



Let’s Shift Again!
By Sherri Cortland, ND
Author of
Raising Our Vibrations for
the New Age & Windows of

"Shifting from a third dimensional
to a fifth dimensional consciousness is a big deal. 

It means that we are evolving individually and as a
species of beings. It’s an exciting time to be alive, an
historic time to be alive, even with the system
breakdowns and upheavals that are part of a transition
of this magnitude. And it’s the perfect time for
Lightworkers to remember two important things:

1). This is not the first time the human race has
worked on increasing our overall vibrational
level. We’ve done this before. And done it

2). We asked to be here, we wanted to be here,
and we probably stood on line and begged to
be part of this momentous project. So working
on raising our individual vibrational levels is
job one for us because (a) it will help us get
through the Shift more easily as we adjust our
energy levels upward, and (b) it helps those
around us increase their vibrational levels as
well. Positive energy is quickly and easily
transferred from person to person.

Let’s talk a little history. This Shift has been talked
about for as long as I’ve been studying metaphysics,
and that’s well over 30 years. Back in the 1970’s and
80’s, I was scared to death about the Shift because of
what was being written about it—states and coastlines
falling into the oceans, all the advice about becoming
survivalists and learning to live off the land. The
predictions about the Shift back then weren’t pretty,
they were, in fact, catastrophic, but they never came

And that’s the way of predictions—they are only
predictions—people change and therefore outcomes
change, and that’s what happened to us in the late
1980’s. We stepped up. Case in point: The
Harmonic Convergence on August 16, 1987. The
Harmonic Convergence was the world’s first globally
synchronized meditation, and thanks to just a couple of
hundred thousand people, who combined their collective
thoughts and focused on peace that day, we evolved as
a species.

August 16, 1987 is the day that peaceful energy
became more abundant than warlike energy. And
because of that very specific change in our overall
energy output, the Harmonic Convergence culminated
with an increase in the vibratory level of the human race.
And thanks to that particular up tick in frequency, we
changed our future, meaning that what we’re
experiencing today and what we’ll continue to
experience as we complete the Shift, isn’t anywhere near
as devastating as what was previously predicted and
expected. Yes, we will still have catastrophes, and there
will continue to be breakdowns in business and
government systems, but nothing, nothing, like what was
originally predicted.

In 1987, we came together, connected our thoughts
and our intentions for peace, and we made a difference
for ourselves and for our planet. In 1987, we got a little
taste of our power. We learned that as powerful as we
are individually, we are oh so much more powerful
when we put our collective focus on something. We
seized and used our collective power to make a
difference and we did that by focusing our thoughts,
words and actions on peace. Even if you weren’t part of
the meditations that day, if you were on planet, you were
affected by feelings of peace and your vibrational level
rose. And keep in mind that it only took a couple of
hundred thousand people to effect this epic change for

And here we are, fast approaching the
much-heralded date of 11-11-11, a date that many of
us believe is significant in the on-going evolution of
the human race as we continue our Shift to a higher
consciousness. It is widely believed that beginning
on 11-11-11, worldwide political, economical, social
and spiritual changes will take place and evolve
faster than they ever have before. Knowing what the
human race accomplished back in 1987 with just a
couple of hundred thousand people focusing on
peace and change, it makes sense that we will make
progress much more quickly as more and more of us
are awake, recognizing that we are connected, and
cognizant of our power to collectively effect
positive change.

How do we effect change and use our
power? According to my Guide, Gilbert, there are
many things that we can we do each and every day
to raise our own vibrations, help others increase
their vibrations, create positive energy, and
decrease negativity energy every day, starting with
the following:

Step #1: Watch what you think, what you say,
and what you do at this very important time in
history. We are already excellent manifestors
subconsciously; so just imagine what we can do on
a conscious level as we start putting our attention
firmly and with focus on watching our thoughts,
words, and actions.

Step #2: Stop judging other people. Gilbert says that
when we spend time judging each other, we become
mini power plants spewing negative energy out into the

Step #3: Be positive in the face of adversity.
Becoming accomplished at being positive in the face of
adversity has dual benefits when it comes to increasing
vibrations: By being positive, we increase our positive
energy output; and by examining our circumstances and
taking positive action instead of complaining, we will
churn out less negative energy. Being positive in the
face of adversity is all about taking charge of our
spiritual growth, and that is something that each one of
us has the power to make happen.

Step #4: Look for ways to bring more light to the
planet, including but not limited to, the following…

o Stop gossiping—it is not good for anyone.

o Stop being rude-- it spews negativity into
the atmosphere.

o Stop looking for underlying insults in
what other people say to you and stop
insulting other people. All are on their
individual path and you don’t know what
it is. Just because others may not meet
your current standards does not make them

o Start looking for ways to be nice to
people—for example…

+ Greeting people in a friendly
way. For example, saying hello,
good morning, good afternoon,
and good evening, when you see

+Saying nice things when
appropriate. If you can say
something nice to someone in a
sincere way, then do it. Look for
things that you admire about others
and give them a compliment. Both
the person saying it and the person
receiving the kind words will
benefit with a burst of positive

+ Holding the door open for
someone when they need it. This
is a simple and easy act that takes
no time yet carries a positive
energy bang.

+ Giving someone else the parking
spot when two of you are trying to
get it at the same time.

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